ETQW Website

ETQW Website
The official website for “Enemy Territory Quake Wars” is now online, you can find it at . There are also some screenshots floating around the web for example here at  Videogamer I’m currently working on ETQW as a graphics programmer at Splashdamage in London.

Off to E3

Tomorrow we leave early moring to e3, we’re going to be there all week 🙂 So hopefully we can get some time off in LA. It’s still been busy the last few days finishing off the trailer. The game announchment is out but somehow we can’t find it anywhere on the internet (yet!) so it ...

First Post

Wha I finally got around to registering a webserver and a hostname! Having a nice php based website management tool also means I can do more updates! So expect to see some bloggy or .plan style ranting about graphics and whatever else I feel like ranting about 🙂